Saving Money With A Coffee Subscription

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Times have gotten tougher, and you no doubt don't need us to remind you, but don’t worry, we’re not here to get bogged down in economics. Regardless, some interesting statistics have shown that here in the UK, we place coffee high on our list of priorities when it comes to commodities. This is particularly interesting as we enter a time where a lot of us are looking closer at our spending habits and what’s truly important to us.
New published statistics apparently show that the average Brit will spend £700 a year in coffee shops - more than double what they’d pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime and Spotify combined over the course of a year. The survey of 2000 adults also found that average Brits will visit coffee shops roughly 8 times per month with an average spend of £7.30 each time. So, what does this mean? Well, it shows that grabbing a morning coffee is a valued part of our morning routine (do you have a coffee habit?) and also a cherished social activity. It’s a lifestyle choice that brings a lot of joy and it’s something we benefit from greatly because of all the experiences coffee facilitates in our lives.
Here at GUSTATORY, we may be biased, but we do think coffee is important. Our team members, for some, would much rather spend money on coffee than a night out where bar tabs sky rocket with seemingly negative benefits to our health, let alone our bank accounts.
The cost-saving inclined amongst us may find these statistics sobering and you may feel uneasy about spending that much. And so, how can you still visit coffee shops every month, save money, and drink more coffee? Well, it’s easy, you can opt for a coffee subscription instead to supplement your coffee shop visits. With a huge amount of savings to be had when it comes to the price per coffee cup, your bank account will also be thanking you.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we all got rather used to not being able to visit our favourite coffee shops, and whilst this always felt a little sad, we did all adapt and make better cafe-quality coffee at home. We also got increasingly better at it too - we really embraced it. Whether you watch videos on YouTube or read our articles in our Journal & School (coffee brewing tips and brew guides), there’s a load of great instructional content out there which enables you to make high quality coffee at home and hopefully we’ve proved how easy it can be.
If you’re looking to save some money without sacrificing your coffee intake then ouu popular coffee subscriptions are hopefully the perfect solution for your household.
GUSTATORY (adjective): curating excellence in taste.