Coffee From Africa

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Coffee Beans Sourced From Africa

Did you know that whilst Africa's diverse topography and climate provide ideal conditions for coffee production, the continent actually produces less coffee than both Asia and The Americas? We are all probably quick to associate the continent with coffee production, but such a fact is surprisingly true.

The south-east of Africa is a particularly resourceful part of the world due in no small part to its abundance of large natural lakes. One country located within this region is Zambia, whom many consider to produce some of the world's best coffee. With a vast array of characterful flavours on offer from the entire range of African nations, coffees hailing from this content are often a very popular choice. A recent inclusion into this group of coffee exporting nations is Uganda, who's coffee was almost unheard of not so long ago. Such a development provides a welcome reminder to us all in how communities can develop and thrive with such a commodity.

The coffee industry is in crisis. Informed purchases are needed

Issue: Coffee prices are in crisis, which threatens the very existence of many coffee producers, and so, the future of coffee globally.For more: GUSTATORY on Sky News Radio (Interview)
Our Answer: Informed purchasing decisions are advised, from the independent coffee roasters featured here on the GUSTATORY marketplace. Through direct-to-source relationships, roasters are able to protect their supply chains from the effects of price volatility as they form special relationships with producers. These relationships also protect producers as roasters often commit to fixed term and fixed price contracts, which give producers certainty. This certainty is what producers need in order to not only survive but thrive, committing to sustainable practices and addressing other global problems that are threatening the industry such as climate change.

Make their commitment your commitment. Support independent coffee roasters and you’ll be making a difference before you even have your first cup of coffee.