Coffee From Colombia, Ecuador & Venezuela

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GUSTATORY Coffee From Colombia, Ecuador & Venezuela Caffeinated With Dominant Flavours Colombia Americas Omniroast

Coffee From Colombia, Ecuador And Venezuela

One of South America's coffee powerhouses, Colombia is also one of the world's biggest exporters of coffee and is renowned for its coffee production. The flavor spectrum within Colombia is particularly wide and diverse, with regional variations creating an exciting medley of coffees. Flavours can range from the heavier and more chocolatey notes through to the fruitier profiles that exhibit jam-like sweeter notes. Across the border, Ecuadorian coffee is increasingly complex, famed specifically for its sweetness, which is complemented by pleasant underlying acidity. Continuing that vein, more desirable Venezuelan coffee is also low in acidity, possessing a certain sweetness, and rich in terms of texture and a certain mouthfeel effect on the palette.

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  • 1401 - 1800 masl
  • 1801 - 2200 masl


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The coffee industry is in crisis. Informed purchases are needed

Issue: Coffee prices are in crisis, which threatens the very existence of many coffee producers, and so, the future of coffee globally.For more: GUSTATORY on Sky News Radio (Interview)
Our Answer: Informed purchasing decisions are advised, from the independent coffee roasters featured here on the GUSTATORY marketplace. Through direct-to-source relationships, roasters are able to protect their supply chains from the effects of price volatility as they form special relationships with producers. These relationships also protect producers as roasters often commit to fixed term and fixed price contracts, which give producers certainty. This certainty is what producers need in order to not only survive but thrive, committing to sustainable practices and addressing other global problems that are threatening the industry such as climate change.

Make their commitment your commitment. Support independent coffee roasters and you’ll be making a difference before you even have your first cup of coffee.