Easy Jose
The Mayni. In the rolling foothills of the Amazon rainforest, live a beautiful, isolated community who grow incredible coffee - growing beautiful coffee beneath the forest canopy, without the need for slash and burn, clearance or destruction commonly associated with mechanical coffee farms. The Mayni harness their natural landscape by protecting the natural eco-system, foliage and wildlife, expertly handpicking their beautiful crop to minimise any damage.
Working with community leaders and expert agronomists on the ground, Easy Jose support to ensure that the processing and practices being implemented by the communities are driving quality within the cup. Ensuring the community is secure and has what it needs to produce the best coffee possible is one of Easy Jose's main objectives. The combined efforts over the years has seen excellent quality improvement year on year, ensuring the community is rewarded with the pay it deserves. With investment in and providing support for the many communities in the area, this guarantees that we are the only folks able to purchase and offer these beautiful coffees; meaning we really do have world exclusive coffee.
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Make their commitment your commitment. Support independent coffee roasters and you’ll be making a difference before you even have your first cup of coffee.