MiiR exists to empower people for a better future, and are makers of premium stainless steel vessels for coffee, beer, wine and food, all of which rely on three things at their core: water, earth and the relationship people have with both. MiiR sit at the nexus of these three critical elements by setting aside a portion of revenue to fund projects focused on clean water, a healthy environment and strong communities.
A certified B Corp brand, for meeting the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose; Climate Neutral, too, for taking bold and comprehensive action to measure, offset, and reduce carbon emissions; and lastly, a 1% for the Planet company, contributing at least 1% of their annual sales to environmental causes, with a commitment towards creating a healthy planet."
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The coffee industry is in crisis. Informed purchases are needed
Make their commitment your commitment. Support independent coffee roasters and you’ll be making a difference before you even have your first cup of coffee.