Uganda Mzungu Project Coffee (#001)

Bolivia | Brazil | Colombia | Costa Rica |
Dom. Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Guatemala |
Honduras | Nicaragua | Panama | Peru |
Burundi | Ethiopia | Kenya | Rwanda |
Tanzania | Uganda | Indonesia | Yemen |
88 | 89 | 90 | 91 |
92 | 93 | 94-100 | Undisclosed |
Washed | Natural | Anaerobic | Other |
Espresso | Filter | Omniroasted |
About Uganda Mzungu Project Coffee (#001)
Gardelli is the brainchild of Rubers Gardelli - the most successful competition roaster ever. He’s qualified for the most World Coffee Roasting Championships (four of five times), won the most recent one, won the Italian Coffee Roasting Championship four years running and somehow has also won multiple Brewer’s Cups in Italy and a World Brewer’s Cup. No roaster comes close to these achievements.
We are so very excited to bring you the most awaited coffee ever, now back for the fifth time! Competition leads to innovation and this coffee is the fruit of that labor. After pioneering the World Brewers Cup with a single tree lot in 2015, Rubens Gardelli is proud to present this unique coffee from Uganda.
Forging close links with the farmer Francis and forming an export company with a close friend Dison, has allowed complete traceability and control from tree to cup. Originally a small competition lot, this project has grown to encompass all Francis production! A (secretly!) naturally processed coffee, intensely sweet, with lots of dark chocolate and fruitiness — it's a delicious and amazing representative of Ugandan specialty coffee. The SL28 variety is grown at 1900 masl and processed using a proprietary natural method which is unique to Uganda! This rare coffee lot has astonishing and complex flavours profile you will not easily forget.
This coffee was presented for the first time by Rubens Gardelli during his 2017 Brewers Cup (video here) and it was brewed by Michael Manhart during his 2017 World Brewers Cup performance...after all national champion presentation (open service) Michael and Mzungu were at the first place in the World!!!
Cherry / Dark Chocolate / Blackberry / Prune
SL28 was bred by Scott Laboratories in 1931 from Tanganyika D.R. It has become recognised as a variety of exceptional cup quality. It has wide leaves with coppery tips, and the beans are wide. At the same time, the productivity of SL28 is comparatively low. Though there is no sufficient proof, some sources claim that Scott Labs crossed mutations of French Mission, Mocha and Yemn Typica to produce SL 28. Whatever the exact genetic composition, their original goal almost certainly was to create a plant with high quality, reasonable productivity and great drought resistance.
Pick only the perfectly ripe coffee cherries one by one by hand, bring them back to the processing centre, remove the defected some magic (only from nature, nothing chemically added), put the cherries over raised beds, constantly roll for a even drying, then wait. Does it sound easy? Well, you have to try yourself to do each single step to understand how many difficulties must be faced and that is why this lot came out so unique.
- Recommended for v60 (view video) using 250g Third Wave water at 94 degrees celsius and 16g coffee, ground on click 24 of a Comandante
- 1st pour (00:00): 40g of water in 7 seconds
- 2nd pour (00:20): 80g of water in 15 seconds (circular)
- 3rd pour (00:55): 130g of water in 15 seconds (circular + central)
- Total brew time: 02:30