Tasting Notes & Stories
Do you subscribe? Our Tasting Notes section provides you more with further reading on each month's featuring coffee roasters and their coffees. If you're not yet a subscriber, take a browse, enjoy a read. Tempted? Welcome...
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What was once the first month of the year in the Roman calendar, we're already three months into an exiting coffee roaster calendar. For March we had several returning favourites as well as two new roasters featuring with GUSTATORY for their first time.
At the time of announcing our roasters, it was minus 3 degrees, and if February 2024's equal temperature is to go by, we're turning ourselves back to the normal heat of featuring all our international roasters.
2025 has finally arrived ~ well, almost. Like January 2024, due to how the dates and days have fallen with the festive and New Years' Bank Holidays being mid-week, we've opted to feature six of our favourite British roasters.
Seeing us into the final month of the year, and with SlowMov's importation issues last month, we'll take this moment to remind ourselves just how complicated the world of logistics, customs and duties has become - behind the scenes of your enjoyable coffee cup is a lot of hard work...
Hello November. How is it already the final third of 2024? Well, our team feel it has been a long, long year, but equally, all rather super quick too. Let the good coffee times continue...
Well, September is proving to be rather chilly, isn't it? Will it rain, will it pour, maybe a little sunshine, some frost in the morning, who even knows any more. One thing we do know is we've yet another packed month of fantastic coffee roasters...
Passing the halfway mark and into the final third of 2024, as the Paris Olympics comes to a close we reflect on how we're somewhere part way along a marathon in continuously curating you all your favourite roasters and their coffees month after month. We've no complaints, of course, we...
We're sure that many of you agree that speciality coffee is a product type that can sometimes bring out some of the best of creative packaging designs across any product. We know, it's what is in the inside that counts, but good packaging done well certainly adds that *chef's kiss*...