Fundamentals » Coffee Tips & Ideas

Our Fundamentals section provides you with additional content to help you get the most from your coffee. Brewing guides, coffee tips and ideas, wider coffee topics and more...

Learning To Taste Coffee At Home

...Gaining a greater understanding of better coffee is a very gradual process that only develops with practice and repetition but rest assured, over time you’ll become more tuned to what you’re tasting and smelling...

Matcha Coffee Lattes. Benefits & Recipes

...Its vivid green colour looks very appealing and with a variety of documented health benefits, matcha and matcha coffee lattes have gone from a relatively unknown and niche choice to a trendy icon within the tea and coffee space...

Espresso Coffee: How To Reduce Channelling

...Beyond how coffee grind size affects over/under extraction, channelling is another of the most common reasons behind an espresso shot not quite tasting right. Here we explain how to diagnose and troubleshoot channelling so that you can make better espresso coffees at home...

Simple Hacks For Brewing Better Espresso Coffees

..Espresso coffees are a notoriously tricky brewing method to master. There are so many variables and even the smallest changes can make or break your shot, making espressos often challenging to consistently perfect. Here we share some simple espresso coffee hacks and processes that may seem so simple, but are...

Coffee Buying Guide: Understanding Coffee Bags (Pt. 2)

...The world of speciality coffee, where there’s so much terminology, so many definitions, and so many descriptors that you often won’t come across when purchasing any other type of food or drink product...

Coffee Buying Guide: Freshness (Pt.1)

...If you’re just getting into coffee in a serious way then it’s important to understand the role freshness plays in coffee beans and how such a factor can be misleading, especially when shopping for coffee at the supermarkets or large stores...

Dialling In Your Espresso Coffee. Grind Size

...Here we’re focussing on espresso coffee, which is arguably the fiddliest brew method to get right with grind size being one of the most crucial determining factors - amongst other things of course. However, if you get the grind size right then you’re most of the way there...

Pre-Warming Your Coffee Cup, But Why?

...Why does it really matter if the cup is pre-warmed? Well, you can certainly be forgiven for asking this question and here we’re going to pull back the veil as to why this is a good practice to get into...